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Stadt München//2010
Award in the category Starter Filmpreis
Ronda Film Festival//2010
Award in the category Cine Cinema
DOK.fest München//2010
Award in the category FFF Förderpreis
Camden International Film Festival//2010
Award in the category Best Documentary Film
Milan Film Festival//2010
Award in the category Best Feature Film
South by South West International Film Festival//2010
Nomination in the category Global
Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München//1.5.2010
Award in the category FFF-Nachwuchspreis
Starter-Filmpreis München//1.8.2010
Mailand Filmfestival//1.9.2010
Award in the category Bester Langfilm
Camden Filmfestival//1.10.2010
Award in the category Bester Nachwuchsfilm