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DOK Leipzig
Nomination in the category Healthy Workplaces Award
Fünf Seen Filmfestival
Nomination in the category Bester Dokumentarfilm
Crossing Europe Festival
Nomination in the category Bester Dokumentarfilm ‚Arbeitswelten’
Festival Internacional de Cine de Pasto
Award in the category Special Jury Mention
Zürich Film Festival
Nomination in the category Bester deutschsprach. Dokumentarfilm
Agrofilm Slowakei//2013
Award in the category Großer Preis der Jury
Nomination in the category Goldener Schlüssel
Submission in the category Umweltsektion
Barcelona Filmfestival - L´Alternativa
Submission in the category Filmhochschulfilme
Iran International Documentary Film Festival
Submission in the category Our Universe
Award in the category Publikumspreis
NaturVision Filmfestival Ludwigsburg
Award in the category Newcomerpreis
Nomination in the category Bester Dokumentarfilm
Millenium International Documentary Film Festival Brüssel
Submission in the category Umweltfilm
European Film Festival Palic
Submission in the category EcoDox