Friends of HFF Munich
On 16 July1968, the Association of Friends and Sponsors (Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in München e.V.) was founded. The association has its office in Munich. The purpose of the association, as defined in its bylaws of 10 January 1990, is to promote education and research in the fields of television and film.
The association endorses the cause of HFF Munich, while materially supporting its work by raising funds and donating material and equipment, for example – for educational purposes, as well as for the production of outstanding films.
The Friends of HFF Munich brings together friends, alumni and sponsors of the University, with the aim of promoting contacts among its members, and forging beneficial relationships with outside partners.
Other activities of the Association of Friends include following the developments at the HFF screenwriting workshop Drehbuchwerkstatt München and the EU media development initiative sagasnet.
Become a Friend of HFF Munich
HFF Munich looks back on more than thirty years of educating new talent for the film and television industries. Are you interested in participating in the development of new forms and content for film and television? Then we invite you to become a Friend of HFF Munich – and keep in touch with the young creative talent at our University.
Friends and sponsors of HFF Munich receive regular news updates, as well as invitations to special events.
We ask for an annual Friends membership donation of €15 for individuals, €5 for young academics, up to the third year after completing their studies, and €80 for companies.
Bank details:
Freundeskreis der HFF München
IBAN DE27 7008 0000 0344 8368 00
Dr. Christian Franckenstein (1. Vorsitzender)
Professorin Bettina Reitz
Judith Erber
Sven Burgemeister
Susanne Freyer
Kristina Mueller-Stöfen
Gabriele M. Walther