The CreatiF Centre at the HFF München will be a unique laboratory for the development and testing of new technologies in film and television production - from the support of all creative steps through the production and postproduction to exploitation.
Media, and films in particular, are increasingly becoming the mouthpieces of society and the behavior and preferences of viewers are changing rapidly.
In addition, technological change in the film industry is leading to completely new creative possibilities and more intensive collaboration in film production. This can permanently change workflows and open up new media experiences for viewers.
This is made possible by a variety of digital innovations. In order to test all these innovations at an early stage and to test their practicality, it is necessary to set up an innovation center at the HFF.
The CreatiF Center is a competence center that can react quickly to innovations and impart new processes to the students already during their studies.
Thus, on the one hand, a transfer of ideas, knowledge and technologies can take place through joint activities with production companies, through exchange and discourse with the cooperation partners, but also through the newly imparted knowledge of the students.
The CreatiF Center works closely with the cooperation partners at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits in Erlangen and with Wavelab, the innovation lab and start-up center at the University of Music and Theatre Munich.
This exchange and knowledge transfer defines at the core of the project.
In order to sustainably promote and shape the transfer of the HFF with its partners, the CreatiF Center comprises three sub-projects that address the exchange with business, science and society in different ways:
- Creative Innovation Lab (CIL)
- integrative production management (IPM)
- HFF Films as Part of the Social Discourse (HFF|F)
With the help of cooperation partners, the CreatiF Centre at the HFF will expand the transfer of ideas, knowledge and technology to business, science and society, focusing in particular on the digitisation and networking process. It also enables these new technologies to be used in the creative environment and to create new creative opportunities.
The establishment of the CreatiF Centre at the HFF München is made possible by the success of the HFF in the 2nd funding round of the "Innovative Hochschule" competition of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 2022. The individual application of the HFF München, which was prepared under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Siegfried Fößel, Head of Dept. II Technology, includes funding totaling around €6 million with a term of five years, from the beginning of 2023 to the end of 2027. A total of 13 positions are to be filled at the HFF as well as three positions at the cooperation partners Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen, and the University of Music and Theatre, Munich.