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Away From All Suns

DOK.fest Munich, Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival, ARQ-Filmfest Santiago de Chile, New York Architecture&Design Film Festival 2013, Budapest Architecture Film Days 2014, Design Festival Munich, The International Art Film Festival Tel Aviv 2014, Turkish Radio and Television (TRT) Documentary Awards 2014, Winnipeg Architecture Film Festival 2014, Lisbon Architecture Film Festival 2014, Lund International Architecture Film Festival 2014, Rome International Documentary Film Festival on Arts, Montreal Festival of Films on Art 2015, Wroclaw MIASTOmovie festival 2015

„Best Documentary“ at Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival
Munich City award for young directors „Starter Filmpreis“ 2014
„Best Documentary“ at Rome International Documentary Film Festival on Arts

In the back alleys of Moscow, forgotten treasures lurk: Utopian Constructivist buildings from the 1920s. Ruins of another future, filled with revolution and hope.
The film follows three Muscovites who are struggling with the buildings’ heritage today. ELENA is fighting to save her apartment building and a printing plant next door – the only building left by avant-garde artist El Lissitzky – while real estate-investors wipe out one building after the other. The young artist DONATAS is striving to live with his friends in an artists´ commune. Architect VSEVOLOD wants to bring back to life an architectural landmark – yet, he has to remodel it. “All, who’ve ever been in this house, are imprinted,” Vsevolod says.
Don’t the buildings hold a message for us? In Away From All Suns! a dialogue between past and present unfolds. Manifestos by Rodchenko, Lissitzky and Vesnin, and documentary footage from early Soviet film, among others by Dziga Vertov, evoke the vision of modernity. A journey through time to the revolutionary 1920s and back to Russia today.

Istanbul International Architecture and Urban Films Festival//2014

Starter Filmpreis der Stadt München//2014

Internationales Dokumentarfilmfestival München //2013

New York Architecture & Design Film Festival //2013

Budapest Architecture Film Days//2014

The International Art Film Festival Tel Aviv //2014

Lisbon Architecture Film Festival //2014

Lund International Architecture Film Festival//2014