The project is part of the Kulturserver-Partnernetzwerks . Please enter your personal data here because they are the basis of our contact with you, in case you have any problems or questions.
"Almost half of all young germans are studying nowadays, we are the future of society, so to speak," we are told in Berlin. And so we set off on a sommer journey through Germany from university to university. The film meets those who were born after the "end of history". "We want to be needed" seems to be an intrinsic motivation of the younger generation. However, it is usually difficult to put into words which endeavours are to be considered meaningful. Not only does there seem to be no consensus on this, there seems to be a complete lack of clarity as to what is meaningful. A young humanities student rightly wonders whether he should now become a text manager at BMW. Or would it be better to become an engineer today in order to invent the next climate technology? Many young people from Germany have always been somewhat spared from the major crises in the western world. We are actually doing well. So is it okay to complain? Are we allowed to think up something new? A better world? The important thing is not to make mistakes. There is so much to lose and what we can gain is simply not concrete enough. Can someone finally start thinking about the big picture again? The film deals with these questions in an ironic but serious way. What is the political task of privilege? Is it to make money and then give it to charity? Is it to be quiet and listen to people who are actually in the thick of the world’s harsh realities? Or is there something else? That is the question we want to ask with this film. At the same time we want to show how difficult it has become to answer this question. Even at universities which for centuries have been the hub of privileged people thinking about the meaning of mankind and its ideal condition, this seems difficult. That is unfortunate, especially now that we have successfully democratized the university.
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